The Hull cartridges contain an average of 162 pellets of 2.6mm diameter – an English size #6. The cartridges contain a three-quarter-length plastic cup-type wad with short skirt and sturdy cup. They are crimped with a six-point fold crimp. The case is a standard 3″ parallel tube plastic case, supplied in red with Hull branding printed in black. The powder is unidentified at the time of writing, but is extremely slow compared to others which have been tested for this site.
Recoil from the Hull cartridges was moderate and on a par with the sharper 2½” loadings tested by the SmallBoreShotguns team. We doubt that anyone will experience any difficulty in managing the recoil, even in a light or single-barreled gun.
Initial field testing of the cartridges proved them to be satisfactory. A left-and-right pair of wood pigeons at approximately 30 yards distance fell cleanly – we expect full pattern testing, to be completed at the time of writing, to demonstrate adequate performance at this range.