I thought I’d take the opportunity of a relatively “reponsibility free” week to get out to the fields again this evening and test the modified 12 gauge reload that I’m working on for use in my Baikal.
Unfortunately, it was not to be. Pouring rain and no sign of blue cloud anywhere made me abandon the outing before it started and instead, I came home with the intention of writing up this morning’s purchase – a box of Eley “Extralong” 18g / #6 – leaving only a single Eley cartridge (the same shell in a #5) left until that manufacturer’s range is completely tested.

The testing of the 12 gauge reload will have to wait for another day.
Making Plans
I’ve arranged to travel, with a friend, to see a mutual acquaintance on Sunday lunchtime. This acquaintance, from whom I obtained the aforementioned Baikal, tells me that he’s in possession of two or three guns I really ought to have a look at and that prices in the £20-70 range are asked.
It may be the case that I return home with both 9mm rimfire and 20 gauge folding shotguns on Sunday evening – though the examples presented would have to be exceptional for me to buy both and risk the wrath of the resident accountant.
I require a 9mm for testing for this site and probably for a very small-scale pest control job likely to come up in a month or so, where even a lightly loaded .410 is likely to be too much gun. I will of course, keep readers informed on all points, but the short of it is a family member, a large number of rabbits and the need for projectiles lethal at 10 yards but essentially harmless at 25-30, which strongly suggests the use of a garden gun rather than an air rifle.
Time of Day
In collecting the new Eley cartridges today, I managed to have a 10 minute conversation with the two senior staff members at my local RFD. They seemed pleased to pass the time – I’m a “regular” – although less impressed with my comments on the performance of .410 cartridges.
Ignoring the fact that I was very likely correct on all points (they probably claimed the very same to each other after I left – the only difference being that I have the evidence to back it up), they did promise to try to obtain some of the Hull “High Pheasant” 19g / #6 cartridges which they seemed to think would sell well and give me the opportunity to buy a box for testing. I shall endeavour to do so at the earliest opportunity.
They also kindly knocked a pound off the price of the cartridges I bought, so I can’t have irritated them that much…